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Chess Board


Hello fellow chess aficionados! I’m Anvi! I’m a rising high school senior from Arizona who enjoys playing chess. My first chess encounter took place in fourth grade when I joined my school’s chess club. From initially using an L-shaped hand gesture to remember how a knight moves to representing my high school at state championships, my journey as a chess player has transformed from a simple understanding of the game as a leisure pastime to a nuanced interest in the complexities of this mental sport. Despite my profound interest for this game, I was disappointed by the lack of participation of girls I witnessed. Not only am I the only girl from all 4400 students at my high school to be on the chess team, but I am also among the few women present at local and statewide tournaments. By streamlining information on this platform, I hope to encourage girls to pursue their passion for chess and overcome the stereotype which deems chess as a nerdy, unfeminine activity. Rather The Queen’s Gambit relates the power of female chess players with the queen, arguably the most valuable chess piece, without whom a victory is arduous. Similar to how the Queen’s Gambit is a famous chess opening, this blog is intended to be the first step or opening to encouraging girls participation in chess. Equal representation is the ultimate motive . . . checkmate! Until then, happy reading!

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